Root canal for a broken tooth

What is a root canal?

The root canal of your tooth refers to the space inside it consisting of the pulp chamber and the main canals and branches, which connect the root canals to each other and the tooth’s surface. The pulp provides nutrients and nourishment for the tooth and keeps it strong and healthy.

Why would I need root canal treatment?

If you experience an injury or accident and you break your tooth, the damage to the tooth and its pulp chamber may result in infection, which as a consequence will require root canal treatment. Root canal treatment involves removing infected or damaged pulp tissue and cleaning the root canals thoroughly, which helps to prevent further infection. The root canals are then filled with filling material and the tooth is sealed. If the crown has been damaged, a new crown may also be fitted.

What is the cost?

Root canal treatment is classed as a preventative treatment and can save your fractured tooth from extraction. After a tooth is removed, procedures such as dental implants may be required to fill in the missing area, which costs a great deal more than root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is available on the NHS and the cost of treatment will be significantly cheaper than a private dentist, with the price of £300 and upwards for private root canal treatment.

I’m scared of root canal treatment, what can I do?

If you are dental phobic and the thought of root canal treatment causes you anxiety, search online for dentists with high dental phobia ratings who provide sedation as part of their services, to ease your fears and help you get the treatment you need.